Flea Control

Fleas are tiny bloodsucking insects that rely on their hosts by biting them to survive. They are 2.5mm in size and have strong legs that allow them to jump long distances, making it harder to catch them. Flea infestations usually arise from attaching to pests outside and infest the homes and the places they sleep on. Fleas can produce 40-50 eggs per day and a single female flea can produce up to 2,000 eggs in her lifetime. In order to prevent flea infestations, homeowners and managers must constantly wash their pets and check for fleas. For infested yards and grass, the lawn must be treated to get rid of fleas. Some diseases carried by fleas include Typhus, Tungiansis, and Tularemia. Flea bites could also be harmful to people with sensitive skin, and some bites may also become infected.