Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes are tiny insects that are highly attracted to carbon dioxide. Female mosquitoes in specific, are also attracted to shallow and stagnant water as that is where they mostly lay their eggs. Although they are small in nature, they can come in numbers and would definitely be a challenge to control. While humans are the common victims of mosquito bites, it is no different for cats and dogs as well, with the same possibility of also infecting pets with dangerous diseases. Mosquitoes can lay between 50 to 500 eggs, and if left untreated, could easily progress into an infestation. A good way to prevent mosquitoes from multiplying, homeowners and managers should ensure that there is no trace of stagnant water within the area especially after heavy rains and flooding. Some famous examples of diseases caused by mosquitoes include Zika virus, West Nile virus, Dengue and also Malaria.